Bakare Emmanuel

DevOps Engineer At Peak Capacity | Wannabe Polymath With ADHD

I'm Bakare Emmanuel, alias likewise is Bakman! working under a term I coined "Experienced Computer Pipeline Plumber" at DEIMOS.

I operate at a highly technical scope with skills in general software development, advanced linux troubleshooting, networking, storage and filesystems, cloud operations etc.

During my spare time, I'm an autodidact absorbing "regurgitated knowledge" on Quora alongside several articles and videos on human biochemistry, contractual law and clinical psychology.

Heavily invested in community work, previous ambassador for the Google Community in UNILAG and several others, currently leading the Google Cloud community in Lagos.

DevOps and Backend Engineering
Backend experience in various software architectures, proud advocate for event driven systems and queue enabled workflows.
DevOps Engineer with good experience in linux, virtualisation and software architecture design.

Low Level and Systems Programming
Some experience with ARM devices, utilised micro controllers and IOT devices in pet projects and general work related activities.

Work Experiences

Part Time
Infrastructure Consultant
May. 2020 - Present

    K8S, GCP, AWS, Typescript, Golang, Docker, Postgres, TimescaleDB, Prometheus, Grafana


  • Writing efficient SQL queries for independent features

  • Design and implementation of various custom features for metrics, API development and Database Management

  • Work with k8s internal APIs and resources on cost management and features dependent on that

  • Typescript development and general API work

  • Benchmarking and implementation of prometheus queries for metrics
Software Engineering Analyst
July.2020 - Aug. 2020

    React, Redux-Saga, Redux, Typescript


  • Design of dashboards for business cases

  • Implementation of APIs for core frontend functionality

  • React Saga and Component development
DevOps Engineer
Mar. 2019 - July. 2020

    K8S, GCP, AWS, Ansible, Terraform, Velostrata, VMWare


  • Migrated VMs with Velostrata

  • Fixed grub boot issues on on-prem OpenSUSE machine after critical failure

  • Deployed K8s clusters both on-prem and GCP using Ansible with Xen and Terraform respectively

  • System admin work with xen and VMWare

  • Filesystem benchmarking for possible client proposals

  • Migrated data dumps of 1TBs from mysql to cloudsql instances, fixed issues on sql compatibility with sed

  • General research on best technology options for various problems

  • General knowledge sharing and team assistance work in relation to Kubernetes

  • VPN installations, calico work etc.

WeeSpend Wannabe CTO

Lagos, Nigeria
Jan. 2019 - Apr. 2019

    NodeJS, React, Redis, K8s, Cloud Build, Event Driven Architecture, Micro-services, KMS, MongoDB


  • Coordinated team affairs and software engineering choices

  • Market research on product options in relation to cost and design expectations

  • Backend development work and review of PRs from team mates

  • Design of orchestration scripts for general components of the software architecture

  • Management of progress on KPIs and task lists

  • CI management, permission and role assignments for deployments, security work etc.
Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019

    pf, OpenBSD, Go, Relayd


  • Maintained systems in Go

  • Work with OpenBSD systems

  • Relayd and PF configuration for configuring relay proxies

  • Fixed issues with TLS termination on Go server

  • Configured acme client and letsencrypt for certificate generation and renewals

PAADC Software Lead

Lagos Nigeria
Software Lead
Aug. 2017 - Mar. 2019

    PHP, cPanel, React, Laravel, CloudSQL


  • Maintained almost zero cost throughout project run using credits and cloud offerings

  • Administered leadership practices through team meetings on progress

  • Breakdown of tasks and site design expectations

  • Recruitment of new team members in handling work load

  • API design, general software work and relation of progress back to core board members
Software Engineer
Jul. 2018 - Dec. 2018

    Corda, Java, JS, K8S, Hyperledger, ELK, Spring Boot, Python, Go, Slate


  • Worked with Corda and other blockchain frameworks building POCs to verify product offerings

  • Worked on demonstrating concepts such as private data on Hyperledger Fabric practically in Go.

  • Read up and developed POC's demonstrating the feasibility about features on certain DLT and Blockchain frameworks (Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, Ethereum)

  • Documented using slides the business potential for such technologies.

  • Implemented reactive API's using Spring Boot Web Flux to interact with corda nodes over RPC using ArtermisMQ

  • Automated documentation generation using postman collections with frontends implemented using Slate

  • Kubernetes work amongst team members, general fixes, assisted with troubleshooting various issues etc
Software Engineer
Jun. 2017 - Jul. 2018

    Scala, Python, JS, Flask, Kafka (Confluent, Lenses), MongoDB, Embedded, Elastic, Serial, UART


  • Created an efficient notification service consuming large data from distributed (ElasticSearch, Kafka) instances sending alerts to firebase, email and SMS(Twilio, SIM) services.

  • Researched on cryptocurrency applications and tested various engines such as Babble(Hashgraph) and Web3JS(Blockchain, Ethereum).

  • Implemented test services (Bitbucket(pipelines), Nagios, Selenium(TestBots) to detect faults in production.

  • Work with ARM devices, Rasbperry Pis, Arduinos on certain remote IOT product offerings

  • Fixed countless issues with linux related faults, networking and OS related errors

  • Python code to interact with hardware devices over GPIO for network and ADC related tasks

  • Wrote a Kafka Connect plugin to perform data remapping in anticipation of an avro schema change.

  • Worked with Kafka extensively, in stream data manipulations, kafka connect, kafka streams, schema registry

Leadership & Community Roles

Oct. 2019 - Present

Apr. 2019 - Present

Team Member
Jun. 2019 - Present

Jan. 2018 - Oct. 2019

Student Ambassador
Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2019

Student Ambassador
Sep. 2017 - Oct. 2019

OCt. 2018 - Jul. 2019

Nov. 2016 - Nov. 2019

Jun. 2017 - Jul. 2018

Professional Skills

Top Skills



5 years


Cloud Architect, 3 years


Senior, 6 years


Kubernetes Docker Nagios Redis Kafka Schema Registry Ansible Vagrant gRPC Istio Kea AWS


Node Flask Django Laravel Lift Spring Boot

Education & Certification

BSc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2nd Class Upper
University of Lagos, Nigeria
2014 - 2019
Good experience over 5 years, most of my time was really spent outside school.
I'd advice past self to drop-out early if given the chance.
Major experiences from school included extracurricular activities, social networking, scholarships and programming experiences.
goleansixsigma, aiesec, andela, google

Yellow Belt - GoLeanSixSigma Certificate link
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certificate link
Web Development Certificate Certificate link
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certificate link
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Certificate link
LFD 420 - Linux Kernel Internals and Development Certificate link

Talks and Events

Press Kit information for talk invites can be found here


Get in Touch

I don't freelance again but do reach out if you have issues.

I can help with the following:

  • Software Architecture Recommendations (Language Agnostic)
  • DevOps and Linux Issues
  • General Software Development Problems on Backend and Cloud Systems

Drop me a line at

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